04 June 2009

First night in Malaysia

L O N G overdue... I know

/hides in shame

My first night in Malaysia, after the pleasant car ride. Lynn parks in front of the hotel. We get out and a bellhop carries my bags in. I check in quickly and easily. I'd rather be carrying my bags up on my own and try to say so, but a glance from Lase...


*shudders thinking of it*

I let the bellhop carry my bags for me.

We get up to my room and move inside. He sets my bags down and turns to walk away. I didn't say anything, but I made some sort of movement that indicated I wanted to tip him. Lase glares at me...


*shudders thinking of the glare*

I would have totally not tipped him if I knew it wasn't custom. I would have said nevermind and let him go without a tip, too, if she didn't volunteer to pay him. i realized I had only the large bills she gave me, so I looked at her and got the glare I mentioned...


Then, she started reaching into her purse for a small bill and at that point he was hooked. >.< She pays him with a largish note, RM10 I think. I felt bad about it :( If she had let me carry my own bags, we wouldn't have had that happen. LOL

After that, we walked across the street to do some shopping. I needed to get something for breakfast. A variety 6-pack of cereal and a carton of milk would do well for the week.

After putting the stuff away in my room, she drove me out for dinner. :) I ordered a beef noodle dish and Lase had.... chicken? Anyway, it was more noodles than anything. There was hardly any beef at all. >.< Like it was all noodles and the beef was just there for flavor. Which brings me to the flavor... *ick* I wasn't feeling too well to begin with (i never mentioned that to Lase) and the taste of the noodles was realyl bland. Like a mushy flavor. Normally I'd be able to go with it, but somehow it jsut combined with my general sickness to make me feel even sicker. :( So, I just picked out the little bits of meat. I know she felt bad about me not being able to eat dinner. I could have easily ordered a second dish, but I just wasn't hungry.

We also went to Jonker Walk. It had the same atmosphere of a flea market here. Some people selling new toys and trinkets. SOme selling used items. And a good number selling foods. ANd the crowd being thick enough in some spots you ahve to push your way through a little and completely empty in others. I liked it. :) The markets here all close at dusk and are indoors. I prefer the outdoors, night-time setting of Jonker. It seemed easier to breathe the fresh air and with no roof, it was a good deal quieter.

Then we went back to the hotel room and spent time together until she had to leave to sleep at home. I had a wonderful day. Except for the exceptional travel wearing me out and making me feel kinda sick at dinner and accidentally making Lase pay the tip to the bellhop (I'm still REALLY sorry about that, Honey), I had a perfect day. :)

<3 you, Dear.

1 comment:

Camlok said...

yeap, long overdue.

Lol, lase's glares post.