07 November 2009

Lase Visits the US

Yeah, I know we never finished my visit to Msia Y.Y Maybe I'll complete it some day in the future or if I'm promised some reward... ;-)

This will be in several posts. There's a lot to tell and pics to crop, resize and upload to go with some. Making smaller posts to keep my sanity and prevent one bad post from losing everything.

First off: WOOT! I was really excited and happy to know she was coming to visit.My flight to LA from Cincinnati was to have a layover in Atlanta. Go figure... traveling to the west cost of the US before heading to the east coast. /boggle Airlines need to get something figured out to save people time, money and their own jet fuel. Jucky me, my flight was delayed due to bad weather in Atlanta. We were all on the plane and they said it'd be a while before departing due to the bad weather. They checked the flights of all the passengers to be sure no one would be affected. After the checks, three names were called, mine last... To get off the plane for a direct flight to LA :D I could feel ALL of the envious eyes on me as I took my carry-on out of the overhead and walked off the plane. :D I went and got some cofee at Starbucks and read my book (the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe) for a while before going to the gate and getting on the new plane. The flight was uneventful, but earlier than I had planned.

I now had an extra hour to wait for Lase to arrive. I was already going to wait an hour for her, but the direct flight cut a bunch of time out. I walked to the international terminals and checked the time of her arrival... she's going to be late. ARG! SO much time to kill... I sat ouside and read my book for a while. Skipped lunch so I could eat with her. Having traveled to Msia before, I knew the meals on the airlines are small and sometimes you only get to eat half of em because the other half is stuff you don't like. I expected her to be hungry when she arrived. After a while, the smokers started showing up, so I went inside and sat down on a bench and read some more... i don't know when it started, but I'd read a sentence, look around, read another sentence, look around, re-read the previous sentence because I forgot what it said, and then look around some more. I didn't want to be there reading, but what else is there to do? I had already looked around (restaurants and no stores I want to look through) on my way to the bench I was at. So I just stayed there trying to read and looking around, watching people walk by.

It got close to time for her arrival, so I went down to the waiting area. All the seats were full, so I backed up to the end of a row of seats and started watchign for Lase. The time boards still listed her flight as on the way... /sigh Shortly after it finally changed to arrived, I noticed I was getting some strange looks... I was happily bouncing on my toes. XD I was EXCITED.... Then Excited... Then excited... Time drug by waiting for her to show up... Lots of people walking up from the terminals and out of the building. Finally, I saw her. I could never miss her eyes <3 And it's a good thing, too, because she was wearing a medical mask LOL!

Dr. Lase

I met her at the exit of the secure area and got a quick hug and we walked out of the terminal building. :)

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