17 January 2009


I went out to changr the battery in my car and it was frozen to the plate it sits on. >.< Last night I bought the battery. I tried to change it at the store so I could immediately return it and get my core charge back. But, it was dark and I couldn't get it out. So, frustrated and about freezing, I re-attached the battery cables and drove home. As I suspected, there is a bracket at the bottom of the battery that's bolted in and holds the battery securly in place. I couldn't see the bracket the previous night because it was dark. Anyway, I get the bracket off today without much trouble. The ratchet I have in the carr came with an extension bar, so it was uber easy to get it into the narrow space and remove the bolt. The hard part was getting the battery out. The bolt was out and the bracket removed, but the battery wouldn't budge.

*BAH!* says I, or something similar ;-) Remember what I said earlier about not much getting me 'excited'? Being cold is one of those few things. I HATE being cold. My ears hurt, my fingers hurt and won't move, my toes hurt, my eyes dry out and just want to close, my nose gets SO dry from breathing that it feels like it's gonna bleed at any moment... It's just makes me feel horrible. So, frustrated as I am, I just kick the thing. I raised my foot up over the car and dropped it as hard as I could on the battery... and it moved with a loud *POP* :D WOOT! I heft the thing out, which wasn't an easy thing to do since I couldn't get my hands down the narrow spaces around the battery. I had to lift it gripping only the top 2" or so. I see some heavy frost in the bottom of the battery space, raised in places, a perfect mold to the bottom of the old battery GRRRR...

I drop the new battery in. Hook up the cables. Start my car to make sure the new battery is good and then clean up my tools. After getting the old battery back in the car in front of the passenger seat, I run to the house. The previous night, it took me 8 tries to unlock the door. >.< I had gloves on and the door is secured with a number pad. The gloves kept hitting different buttons and ruining the code. Today, though, my sister was walking by the door, saw me coming in and unlocked it from the inside. :D Thanks Sis.


Lase said...

Lol was *BAH!* actually the F word? *glares* And if you hate cold so much I know a place where it never gets cold :D

And I'm surprised you could lift your leg that high and all.... Mr Unflexible.

Skippy said...

No, it wasn't the F word. D@#n was more like it. I'd love to join you there. But money and time off work is a bit of an isssue atm.

And, I have a short car. :P

Lase said...

I didn't mean for a visit =P

And, even a short car, the hood cover is still rather high... didn't think you could do that with your leg. I don't even know if I could :p