08 January 2009

At the airport

Yah yah, I be lazy. But now that there's absolutely no work for me to do, I can get some writing done. Besides that, I have to post more than Lase. You can take that as a challenge, Love.

Where was I... Oh yeah, leaving LAX for Taipei.

I get to Taipei and I'm not feeling very comfortable. The place is under heavy construction, so there's very little lighting in some places, temporary plywood walls, wires hanging out of the cileing, etc. I just feel like I'm walking through abandoned tunnels and am about to get mugged at any moment. It totally reminded me of the airport in Mexico, which was just in a state of horrible disrepair.

I'm feeling a little sleepy because it's VERY late for me my time, but it's morning Msia time. So, I walk into a bar, have myself a muffin, bananna and orange juice for 'breakfast' and sit down at the terminal to do some more reading. After a while, I got bored and walked to one of the paid internet thingies. It's just a little screen with a keyboard that folds out. I give my credit card info (very creepy feeling doing this on a public PC) and get a few mins of internet time. I send Lase an email and get off of it.

The flight to KUL was absolutely boring... I can't even remember what I did. I know I stayed awake somehow and the movies wer still free as it was China Air. But, I don't recall what I watched, what I read, etc. It did teach me to not pick the very front row of coach, though. There's a wall in front of you, so you can't stretch out at all. In other rows, there's not much room, either, but you can still get your feet under the seat in front of you. And I land in Msia...

After first class disembarks, I'm the first off the plane :D I start walking, and walking and walking some more... XD KIL is a VERY nice airport, but it's also HUGE. Even with the rail shuttle, it takes about 20 mins forme to get from the plane to the luggage carosel. And there, I wait for the luggage to start coming out. That takes a while. I start seeing other people from my flight showing up. They pick up their bag and move on. I was the first one there, but I'm among the last to get my luggage >:| Then I go to customs. I was very nervous about getting in because I didn't do anything before beginning my trip to get permission for entry, but it was very easy for me to get in. I just showed my passport, handed them the paper I filled out on the plane and they stamp my passport.

I move on past the security area and start looking for Lase. I know I'm late because of waiting for my luggage and something told me she could be anywhere. Walking towards our pre-designated meeting spot, I see some kiosks and other obstructions that block the view and could be walked around. I keep to the front of the airport, since the back seems darker and less likely traveled. And, sure enough, I see her walking towards me about halfway to the meeting point. I was right about her not waiting there. LOL I get a quick hug. /bonk Lase and we go to the Burger King there for lunch. The burger and fries there taste just like the ones in the USA. I didn't like the pepper too much though. You have it ground into a very fine powder that just seems to clump up. Here it's larger grained, like salt, so it's easier to spread it out. The chilli dip was good though. :)

Besides eating, I also showed/gave her some stuff I had brought with me. She had mailed to me some keychains in pink boxes so I could have them engraved. I have them engraved here and carried them with me to Msia. I handed her one of the boxes. When she opened it, her eyes got SO big and her jaw just dropped. 8O I had put in that box the necklase I bought for her:


I could tell she REALLY liked it and it made me SO happy. :D It's kind of a poor pic, but she's the one with it, so I can't get a better one. I also showed her the engraved keychains. There were two pairs of keychains. you know the split ones that fit together? We each took a part of each pair. I also showed her the candies I had brought for her. I'm not sure what else... Her reaction to the necklace kinda drowns everything else out. We talked for a while and then headed out to the parking lot to leave the airport.

Clickie for Lase's side.

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